Oak Bay locals vote for best Oak Bay dishes

Last month, Ryan Hook from Oak Bay Local asked locals what their favourite dishes in the neighbourhood were, people voted for their favourites and based on these votes, the three dishes Oak Bay locals love were determined—even if one restaurant is technically in Victoria. So, go out this weekend and either enjoy, or try for the first time, Oak Bay Local’s favourite dishes served to you, and voted by you. Here they are:

1. Willows Galley Fish & Chips

“A classic!” Matteo Tintinaglia said as I told him Oak Bay locals voted Willows Galley fish and chips the municipality’s number one dish. “You really can’t go wrong with fish and chips in general,” he said as the cashier called him up.You really can’t, but there’s something about Willows Galley that is so quintessential to Oak Bay—it’s near the ocean, it’s small, it’s local, and it’s not just in the heart of Oak Bay, it is the heart of Oak Bay. You can get cod, prawns, oysters, or halibut in other parts of the city, but none like this. Once that fish comes out of that fryer, onto your plate, and you take that first bite, you know it’s Willows Galley.Honourable mention: The Neptune Burger

willowsgalley.com@willows_galley_1980Address: 2559 Estevan Ave.

2. Funghi Pizza from Faro

From the streets of Oak Bay, to the hallowed halls of the Oak Bay Beach Hotel, this wouldn’t be a list without Faro. In fact, this was one of the first meals I had when I started with Oak Bay Local.Not only is Faro a gorgeous restaurant, but the pizza is some of the best in Victoria. The chefs cook the crust thin, more similar to traditional Italian pizza, but it’s hearty, like a Brooklyn-style pizza. The Funghi is made with fior di latte and gorgonzola cheese; topped with portabella mushroom, garlic, and fresh arugula; spiced with lemon zest; and drizzled in truffle oil. It hits all the right notes of a fantastic garden fresh pizzaHonourable mention: Quattro Formaggi pizza

3. Chickpea Burger from Deadbeetz Burger

I’ve yet to try this vegetarian-friendly, and super affordable, burger. But if Deadbeetz makes it anything like the beet burger, it must be something special. While technically in Victoria, Oak Bay locals seem to have taken a liking to this burger joint, voting this dish the third-best in the municipality. Thing is, Deadbeetz has a food truck, so really, anywhere and everywhere is home.Like most things from Deadbeetz burger, the chickpea burger is house-made and fresh. With a house-made nut patty, this burger is livened up with some fresh cut tomato salsa, chipotle mayo, and lettuce. Good for on-the-go, or with the kids.Honourable mention: Beetrice Burger

deadbeetz.com@deadbeetzburgersAddress: 1950D Oak Bay Ave.

And there you have it: Oak Bay’s top three favourite dishes. There were many other great ones mentioned, like the smoked salmon benny from The Oaks, so if you’re curious about what else made the list, click here.

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